Host Resolution - 37th Annual Meeting, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

WHEREAS, the University of Kansas and various members of its staff, by providing facilities, entertainment, magnificent hospitality, with untiring diligence, and especially for being instrumental in obtaining the participation of honored guests from foreign nations, have contributed greatly to the success of the thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists in session at Lawrence, Kansas, June 17-20, 1957;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Society extends an expression of its sincere thanks and hearty appreciation to the University of Kansas, especially to Dr. E. Raymond Hall, Chairman of the Zoology Department, Director of the Museum of Natural History and Chairman of the Local Committee, and to other members of the Committee; and be it also Resolved, That the participation of foreign scientists having been such a salutary part of the activities, those responsible for the organization of future meetings are encouraged to arrange for the continued participation of foreign scientists