Host Resolution - 60th Annual Meeting, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island

WHEREAS, the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists was held 8-12 June 1980 at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island; and

WHEREAS, the meeting was marked by bracing New England spring weather which contributed to the liveliness and vigor of the scientific sessions, and by exceptional and enjoyable social arrangements which included an especially delightful degree of association with local clams, lobsters, and other former denizens of Narragansett Bay; and

WHEREAS, the manifold details of our large and complex meeting were handled with tremendous dedication, competence, and attention to every detail of our convenience and comfort such that an exemplary level of intellectual, emotional, and physical satisfaction was attained by the membership;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the American Society of Mammalogists assembled at the second session of the Annual Membership Meeting, 12 June 1980, on the Kingston campus of the University of Rhode Island, extend their heartfelt greeting and gratitude to Bob and Gerie Chipman, their colleagues Jim Chadwick, Frank Heppner, Robert Shoop, Howard Winn, and Eric Scott, and to those other students and employees of the University of Rhode Island who contributed so handsomely and generously to the success of our meeting.